History of the TII West Java rebellion and its causes
One form of rebellion that put many in memory in his day is DI TII West Java. That’s because the story was enough to be a victim. In fact, events have happened for a very long time, too. Many people still remember this today.
Even after the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the people fought harder. National heroes face many events that are already far more numeroit than the Indonesian struggle. Even then, the opposition came from the Indonesian people themselves. The incident occurred because ideology did not fit the state.
Many groups of individuals are dissatisfied with the work being done by the Indonesian government. So there are so many rebels by their own people, such as the DI TII movement. Where the center itself is in the regional part of Indonesia – for example, West Java itself.
There are still many places in Indonesia, such as Kalimantan, Aceh or Sulawesi. But eventual efforts were also blocked by the government. The blocked attempt was successful because the opposition was given too fiercely from different parties. Until now, it has been widely known by the public.
TII West Java Background
The Darul Act of Islam is a politically squared movement with its initial development in the Tasikmalaya area of the Indonesian Islamic Army itself. This resistance was initially exposed from Islamic State INdonesia. It was August 7, 1949 . This happened a few years after the announcement .
The West Java TII rebellion led by Sekarmadji figure Maridjan Kartosoewirjo had the goal of creating Indonesia into the Islamic State , which was eventually to proclaim its NII. This incident itself occurred because Kartosoewirjo was uncomfortable with the contents of the Renville agreement.
The contents of the treaty itself are known to hurt in honor of the hero of independence. And the contents of the settlement were from the Dutch , the state of Indonesia , which was under obligation to pay for the territory of Western Java . Indeed, as long as this resistance took place, Cartooewirjo became a politician . So it is not surprising that he has a lot of political experience.
Even within the country’s Islamic sarekat party, buying au is very fanatical to The Islamic faith. He had also thought about the pilgrimage policy, which was to be applied under his leadership. Against the backdrop of West Java TII, it will bring together every branch in Indonesia, which can fight a government that disagrees.
It’s not just moving, because there is one commonality of a diverse ideology. Leaders and members of the movement have also been provoked by its leader from West Java. This resistance was in fact because Kartosoewirjo was dissatisfied with the independence of the Republic of Indonesia , which is still overshadowed by the Dutch who want to continue to rule Indonesia .
Purpose Generated Action DI TII
The occurrence of theemberontakan DI TII West Java was driven by the community leader Sekarmadji Maridjan Kartosoewirjo himself, as it was to achieve these goals at will. As an action, TII itself is trying to create a country that is the foundation of Islam. In addition, the country was liberated by the Dutch colonialism.
For more information , see the article “The Bible’s Viewpoint: How Can I Make Bible Reading Uses ?” In fact, they also want recognition by international law. In addition, this resistance was formed because it wanted to turn Indonesia into an Islamic-founded state .
The leader of this act is to draft Islamic law so that it becomes the law of the Indonesian state, of course, to guide two things, namely events and the Qur’an. They formed an Islamic state, not only because it, but because they wanted to change the laws of government to be the same as Islam.
The purpose of the DI TII West Javan rebellion was that the figure was hadit and rejected the ideology and laws of the Koran . They even claim to be unbelievers if they follow others , except the two things mentioned . But it is very sad, because the main purpose of this movement is to fight the Dutch.
But he became radical . As everyone knows, Indonesia itself has the highest diverse faith. Where there were six largest religions , it was also recognized by the state . Therefore, it is not unbelievable to make Islam more special than other religions.
TII is the founder of the revolt in West Java
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The emergence of the DI act itself was originally caused by the alleged role of two men in the formation of the movement. Kyai Jusuf Tauziri compared to the first person. He is said to be the founder in the early stages of the creation of a peaceful Islamic movement.
But he eventually also withdrew his support for Cartoosoe wirjo to fight against the Indonesian state . However, many people know that the main sign for DI is Cartooewirjo. Born and raised in the territory of Java , he spent almost the time in Western Java .
The fact is that it itself is not native to West Java, but also from the Central Javanian origin of Cepu. The territory itself is located between Bojonegoro and Blora. Born on February 7, 1905 , this number received his education in elementary school using a Dutchman and his first menu.
In fact, according to the incident, he did not have much understanding of Islam or Arabic. There was even a course to enter the Dutch East Indies ketabibab school in Surabaya. In that area, U.S.A., H. and he met. Oemar Said, who later became chairman of PSII.
The DI TII West Java movement itself was initially a bad reaction from Cartoosoewirjo and his group to reject the renville deal. The agreement was concluded by the Indonesian and Netherlands agreement. That is what constitutes Darul Islam, and its army members are TII itself.
West Java to fight rebellion in TII
As many know , the tiI West Java event is the biggest event in the country and is remembered by almost everyone. Even in some places this supports the effort. With the goal of being able to form a state that is in accordance with Islam.
Even the government of the Republic of Indonesia in those days just declared its independence and again fought against the Dutch. The government will again face opposition from its own people. It certainly encourages the government to work on a lot of things in order to destroy the movement . The goal can also be integrated into the neg a ra .
In West Java, this violence began peacefully. In the place where Mo′h Natsir formed the committee . But the way it was managed didn’t work. After that, he was also persecuted for using a different method, that is, by using military action . In the end, Kartosoewirjo was arrested in 1962 in the Area of Mount Salak.
The operation is also linked to efforts by the public to restrict the movement of DI TII members. Death in respect of the requital imposed. In fact, the actions of TII West Java aren’t a few fatalities and it’s a big event you need to know about after independence.